I've been nice and good. Yesterday I went to bed right after nine o'clock (enough sleep, my head feels better already) and today I had a cleaning day (well, I hoovered and moved stuff from one place to another....). When clearing the living room table (read: the storage for the in-progress handicrafts) I found these:

Siis joskus aiemmin syksyllä haaveilin tekeväni joulukortit itse. No, teinkin, mutta idea vaihtui matkan varrella huomattavasti helpompaan ja nopeammin toteutettavaan. Alunperin näitä piti tehdä iso kasa ja sitten kiinnittää jotenkin kortteihin. Mitäs minä nyt näillä kahdella orporukalla teen?
Some time earlier this autumn I dreamt of making my Christmas cards myself. Well, I did make them, but the idea changed into something a lot easier and faster. Originally I meant to do a big pile of these and then attach them some how onto the cards. What shall I do with these poor orphans now?